Daily classes taught by Professional Kripalu Yoga teacher - Jennifra Norton, LMT RYT.
No pre-registration required. Beginners are welcome and encouraged. Movement is slow, postures are developed gradually and incrementally, so that every body finds its optimum expression. Focus is on riding the wave of the breath. Movement is married to the breath to create a moving meditation. The class is held on soft sand. Each class ends with time for relaxation. Kripalu Yoga on the beach will leave you with a deep sense of serenity, accomplishment and joy.
Classes are cancelled on rainy days. Please visit our Facebook page or Instagram for up to date schedule info.
We do practice in the Chatham fog!
Directions: Head through downtown Chatham, go right at the STOP sign, 1/4 mile on left. Parking is unrestricted before 9 AM
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
7:30 AM - 8:45 AM EDT
6/19 - 9/10/18
Chatham Lighthouse Beach, 40 Main Street, Chatham
Printed courtesy of www.chathaminfo.com/ – Contact the Chatham Chamber of Commerce for more information.
PO Box 793, Chatham, MA 02633 – (508) 945-5199 – chamber@chathaminfo.com