The Sharks are back! . Sharks created or painted by local artists will be swimming on the lawn of the Eldredge Public Library until August 17.
This year Where are the Whales are swimming in the shops for our summer visitors to find and win gifts from the Chatham Merchants Association ... to be awarded at the end of September.
Where are the Whales headquarters will be the Downtown Visitor Information Booth, 533 Main Street, where you can obtain the scavenger hunt booklets. Each person handing in a completed booklet will receive a prize.
The booklets are also available in participating downtown shops as well as the Captain Bassett House Visitor Center in South Chatham.
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
June 15 - August 17, 2018
Eldredge Public Library, 564 Main Street, Chatham
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Chatham Chamber of Commerce for more information.
PO Box 793, Chatham, MA 02633 – (508) 945-5199 –