Chatham Marconi Welcomes Ms. Morgan Pirozzi to its Speaker Series
Entanglement in fishing gear is a rising global concern and one of the leading causes of death among several large whale species. These whales can carry gear for weeks if not months before succumbing to injury, exhaustion, starvation, or infection. Since 1984, the Center for Coastal Studies has freed more than 200 large whales and other marine animals from life threatening entanglements, using techniques developed by staff in Provincetown, Mass. Disentanglement events are dynamic, logistically challenging, and require teams with specialized skill sets and equipment. Learn about the history of disentanglement, what a successful response looks like, and how members of the public can assist rescuers.
About Our Speaker
About Chatham Marconi Maritime Center
About the Chatham Marconi Speaker Series
Programs are usually presented on the first Thursday of each month from September through June, and on alternate Thursday evenings during the Summer. Subjects are drawn from the resources of the Marconi-RCA Wireless Museum, the Education Center's STEM programs, or member-suggested topics related to our mission.

Date and Time
Thursday Mar 6, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST
General Admission is $10 either per person attending or for Zoom webinar access for one linked computer. In-person seating is limited. Reservations may be made at ChathamMarconi.org/speakerseries .
This event is free for Chatham Marconi members. Why not join now at www.ChathamMarconi.org to enjoy future Speaker Series programs at no charge?!
Contact Information
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