
Community OrganizationsMuseumsNon-Profit Organizations
Seasonal. See ChathamMarconi.org website for hours and events.
Driving Directions:
On Route 28 to or from Orleans, look for the steel lattice tower and the red brick buildings opposite Ryder's Cove.
About Us
Founded in 2002, the Chatham Marconi Maritime Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation which celebrates the rich history of 20th century maritime radio and the innovative advances in science and technology that continue to transform our lives. The Center sits on the 11.3-acre site of the former Marconi-RCA Wireless Receiving Station built for Guglielmo Marconi in 1914, and which is on the National Register of Historic Places. Marconi’s Wireless Receiving Station was initially part of his visionary global point-to-point radio network planned to link America with Europe and Japan. Bought by RCA following the First World War, Chatham Radio WCC instead rose to preeminence as ''The World's Greatest Coastal Station'' serving mariners around the globe until late in the last century, and played a crucial role for the US Navy during World War II.
The 10 original, distinctive buildings and the adjacent antenna field comprise the campus and have been preserved by the Town of Chatham. Today, the former Operations and Residence Hotel buildings serve respectively as the Center's Marconi-RCA Wireless Museum and it's Education Center. Chatham Marconi Maritime Center’s mission is executed through operation of the museum and the advancement of youth STEM education, principally in communications science. In addition to the museum’s exhibits and interpretive programs, the Center offers forward-thinking STEM education in area schools through its unique Chatham Marconi TechSmart program, STEM After Hours outside the classroom, and fun on-site Summer STEM classes.
