Community OrganizationsArt GalleriesArt Galleries Art Services ArtistsArts & CraftsNon-Profit Organizations
9-3:30 Monday - Friday
Driving Directions:
Take Rt 6 to Exit 85(11).Turn left onto Rt 137.Travel through 2 lights & 4-way stop to Route 28.Take a left & travel 3 miles. At the first light, turn left onto Crowell Rd, the Center is on the right
About Us
Established in 1969, the Creative Arts Center offers year-round classes, workshops, and demonstrations conducted by nationally recognized artists. Included in the offerings are oil, pastel, and watercolor painting, drawing, pottery, jewelry, and children’s classes. The Center sponsors the Festival of the Arts every August and Sacrifice Art Sales in July and October as well as other community events. Gallery exhibitions feature open, juried shows, member shows and invitational exhibitions. Always free admission. Open year round M-F 9-3:30 Summer hours are: M-F 9-3:30, 154 Crowell Road, Chatham 508-945-3583 www.capecodcreativearts.org
Our mission: The Creative Arts Center in Chatham is dedicated to high quality arts education for all ages. Our staff, volunteers and faculty of talented working artists and craftsmen foster creativity in an environment where the visual arts are explored and celebrated through classes, exhibitions, community outreach and special events.

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